Sunday, July 25, 2010


In the last month and a half that I have not posted I have been reading through the Harry Potter series as you all know. My last blog stated that the Harry Potter books were not living up to my expectations. Let me correct this...

Harry Potter has changed my life.

I am not pushing through the books are quickly as I had hoped, but I am on the 6th one now. The fifth one, which I thought was amazing, just took me a bit longer to get through. There is so much information jammed into the books that I am reading slower to make usre I don't miss anything.

Since my last post I started a full time job. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am working an 8:30-5:30 job, Monday through Friday. I am teaching 2 year olds. Most night when I get home I am too tired to do much of anything other than lay in bed listening to the radio. However, my weekends are filled with lots of reading.

I know when I started this series I talked about how I was going to compare it to something significant. Well it has taken me 6 books to figure it out, but I am going to do the unthinkable for many Christians and state my reasons why I think Harry Potter is a modern biblical world view. This will make some of you angry, some of you very happy, and still others of you very confused. Confusion is not my intention, but I do wish to evoke some emotion. I am not saying I believe that Harry Potter shows strictly Christian values at all, I am simply making an argument that J.K. Rowling could have written the series with a connection to Biblical truth.

I think Harry Potter has a strong message about good and evil and I can think of no better analogy that one with Christ. However, I will state and stand firm in the belief that what Christ did but significantly great than that of Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a work of fiction which Christ is not.

Give me some time to finish the books and I will begin the research of the possible allegory. I am excited to see where this takes me and I hope you will embark on this journey with me. It may be a long one.
