Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tornado Sirens and Storm Preparedness

Last week East Tennessee had a series of very strong storms move through in the late evening. It was an East Tennessee Storm Chaser's dream, but proved devastating for several families as many homes and businesses were destroyed. In Greenback, TN an EF-3 tornado touched down and did irreplaceable damage. Despite all the damage, it could have been worse. It is no secret that the community was spared many lives lost because of working tornado sirens.
In light of this event I asked my friends on Facebook their opinion of tornado sirens and how Knoxville is notified of weather alerts. Currently, Knoxville does not have a working tornado siren system. As you may know, Knoxville sits in a valley, but has its fair share of rolling hilltops. These hilltops make the effectiveness of tornado sirens obsolete unless they are placed between 3 and 5 miles apart. Even at this distance they still may not be heard. Because of this, it has been decided that it is not time or cost effective to install sirens in Knoxville. Ideally it would be nice if, despite the cost, Knoxville could have tornado sirens, at least inside the city, or possibly in each school.
So, how is Knoxville notified of tornadoes? Through television broadcast and radio. It is essential that everyone in Knoxville have access to battery operated emergency radios. This is the only way they you are sure to get the alert when it sounds. When these storms hit it is never known if the power will be out. Having a battery operated radio and extra batteries can save your life and those around you.
Several news sites have "Emergency Lists." Take advantage of these lists and keep a storm pack in a safe area in your home. Practice with your children on were to go if the sirens go off. Have a plan. Storm season has only just begun and it has already proved to be a busy one.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rags to Riches

This past weekend I attended a womens conference with some awesome women of God.
The ministry was called Rags to Riches. God did a transformation in my life and delivered me from a lot of pain that I was carrying. I wrote the following poem this morning during that last class. This is not from me. It was a message I received from God.

Rags to Riches

Fear, shame, guilt and condemnation

Knock at the door.

She hides under the bed crouched against the

Cold bare floor.

Scared, shaking, and nervous she fights

For something new.

Sitting quietly she stares at Heaven and cries

“Lord, tell me what to do.”

Drop your chains and throw down what

You have known.

Walk with me and none of those lie

You will own.

Stand up, stand up I say!

Crawl out of the ditches.

Take off the old and transform from

Rags to Riches.

By: Atlee McSpadden

Rags to Riches Conference 2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Bearing Burdens

Galatians 6:1-10 talks about two different types of "one another" relations. By this, I mean it talks about carrying one another's burdens and having fellowship with one another.
In Bible study tonight we were not able to reach the second part, therefore I will save that for another post (coming next Monday). We talked a lot about how each of us deals with bearing each other's burdens and how we are called as Christians to handle such situations.
I want to think that I handle those tough situations well, but I know in reality I handle them very poorly and do not reflect Christ.
First we talked about the difference in a legalist and a freed man taking on the burden of another. The legalist will be self centered, prideful, and full of condemnation. The freed man will be Christ centered, meek, and humble. The legalist will add to the burden, where the freed man will demand more of himself to make the burden lighter. Reconciliation to the freed man will be seen as winning a soul, where as from a legalist it will be seen as winning an argument.
A realization that we came to is that it is Biblical to call fellow Christians out but it is also hard, painful, and takes time. A great analogy was it is like getting a broken bone. A bone must be set back in place and this is very painful, but once it is set it can begin to heal and function according to its purpose. A Christian in the wrong must be called out in a Biblical way. This may be painful, but once "reset" they can begin to heal and function in the way Christ intended.
The purpose of calling out is not to point out who is wrong and who is right; it is to journey together and bear each other's burdens. We are called to share in each others burdens in "one anotherness."
In the verses we read, there are two very different uses for the word "burden." This can be seen by differing translations, or the original context of the word. In verse 2, "burden" is defined as "a heavy burden," contrasting to verse 5 where "burden" is defined as "a soldier's load." With these two different meanings we see that there are some things that we cannot carry for each other, much like a soldier must carry his own pack, but we are called to be there for them on the journey, every step of the way, sharing the burdens of life.
How do you carry the burdens of others? Do you take them to the Lord, or take them upon yourself? To be honest, I sometimes, rather, often times, revert to trying to carry the load myself. I tend to ignore taking the burden to God and try to carry it myself. I try and carry my own burdens (because they shouldn't be anyone else's problem) and the burdens of others. in doing this I am sinning in two significant ways. I am not sharing my burdens, nor am I bearing the burden of others through Christ. It is at these times when I want to run away from all the burdens and hide. I see my self doing this by withdrawing from friends who are having a hard time that I cannot fix, or just trying to ignore problems that are screaming out at me from every angle. I think about it this way and want to cry out to God in repentance that I have turned from Him. I should never try to carry my own burdens without Christ, nor anyone else's. It is so shameful for me to turn from my friends when they are seeking someone to help them with their burden because I am too selfish to take their burden to God. What kind of a friend is that? I must daily remind myself that we must do nothing out of pride or contempt.
Seeing such truths are hard, but without seeing them life is even harder. I am forever grateful that God loves me despite me. I get in His way so much. I am so thankful for Christ, His love, His mercy, and His grace.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Self Governed, Others Centered, Christ Dependent

Over the last three weeks at church Kevin Huggins has been speaking on what is casually known as the "Quarter Life Crisis." This is a term becoming more and more popular, resulting in more and more researching being done on what the actual "Quarter Life Crisis" is. I was very interested in everything Kevin had to stay and couldn't write down words fast enough. I wanted to use this entry to talk through some of the great things said.

Wisdom from above is different from wisdom gained by earthly means. Grade school, college, and even graduate school can be wonderful means of gaining earthly wisdom, but bring you no close to the wisdom that God wants to instill in us by seeking after Him and studying His word. Be a wisdom hunter.

A huge characteristic of being in your 20's is discovering newly found freedoms. You have to choose whether or not you are going to stay free, or back pedal and become world dependent. Why is it so hard for us young adults to hang on to our freedom. Are we scared, or is it harder to hang on to than we initially think? The world is organized to keep us from being self governed and free, but this is why Christ died.
Christ wants self governing people to serve Him. If you are self governing then you are not serving him for any other purpose than to glorify Him. The more self governed you are, the more you stick out and it alienates you from others. Being more self governed doesn't mean less pain and hurt. It could mean exactly the opposite.
How will I use my freedom? Galatians 5:13 tells us that we are created to be free and not to use our freedom to indulge in sinful nature. Don't be consumed by each other.

God calls us to be self governed but others centered. When you are others centered it may increase your pain more than being self centered. When you are others centered your own needs sometimes do not get met but you have to trust God to meet those needs. Can you ever be others centered to a fault?

Where will you find the strength to stay free? Freedom does not mean independent, it means we choose who or what we are dependent on. We need to be dependent on Christ. The world was not designed to give us life, we were designed to pour life from Christ into the world.

What does Christ dependent look like? Seek first the kingdom of God and all else will be added to you. Do we really trust this? It is counter cultural to live with the mentality that Christ will provide. Despite this, we must always be seeking to have the biggest kingdom impact in whatever we do.