Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Book I Said I Would Never Read

Yes, I said I would never read the Harry Potter series and now I am. Once again, I have learned the lesson "never say never." I started and finished the first book in the last 24 hours and very much enjoyed it. I certainly understand why people who read the Harry Potter series are, for the most part, now enjoying the "Twilight Saga" (which I have read).
My goal for this book series regarding my blog is to research Harry Potter and make a series of short essays comparing the books to a single topic, such as segregation or something of the like. Good vs. Evil seems all to easy to explore.

There are no guarantees that I will read all of the books right together, but I will do my best to stay focused. I tend to get subject bored and bounce a little before finishing a series. This is the precise reason why I love that series don't initially come out all at once. Otherwise I would never finish more than two books.

Get ready readers... the research and brainstorming starts tonight. Feel free to FB me any questions, challenges etc.


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