First, thanks for stopping by. Especially thanks to those of you who have told me you stopped by!
I began "The Scent of Rain and Lightening" by Nancy Pickard the day before yesterday. I currently have 50 pages left. Remember, these are my opinions only. You are entitled to your own and I would love to hear them. Don't take my word for these books, read them yourself! I will try my best not to spoil everything!
Jody Linder is a small town girl raise by her grandparents after her father was tragically murdered and her mother mysteriously disappeared. After the accused killer spent 23 years in jail, he is now back in town. Jody is on a quest to discover everything she can about both her mother and her father. Twist and Turns kept me from wanting to put the book down.
Thoughts So Far:
Ms. Pickard is an amazingly fluid writer. The book itself in written in a way that makes you feel you are wrapped up in a cozy blanket sitting next to Jody on the couch with anticipation while she tells you the tail of her life. While there are a few PG-13 and possibly R rated scenes, who's life doesn't have those. Ms. Pickard wrote to makes sure that the reader felt involved. To me, this is one of the most important aspects to a good book. I have to feel connected to the characters in a way that keeps me interested, even through the less entertaining parts of the book.
Once I finish the book I will post again with more detailed thoughts and overall reaction to the entire book.
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